This recipe turned out awesome. I could not stop nibbling on the edges as I was cleaning up and putting the rest of it away for lunches this week. So yummy!
4 1/4 lb Beef Roast (Brisket would be awesome with this, but this was the Grass-Fed cut I found at a deal this week, so I used it)
1/2 tbsp Salt
2 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp cocoa powder
5 garlic cloves
In bowl, combine all spices except cloves of garlic.
Rub spices liberally into meat on all sides.
Into top of roast, slice 9 holes with a small knife. Stuff crushed garlic cloves into holes.
5-7 hours prior to serving time, place into prepared smoker on medium low.
I served our along side a large veggieful salad. Enjoy!